The Humane School opened in Sirende in year 2008 on initiative taken by the Swedish anthroposophical association Föreningen Sofia with the lead of Hans Nyström. Today the schools is managed through a close cooperation between Swedish volunteers from different oragnisations and driven Kenyan teachers.
A Swedish anthroposophical organization that supports anthroposophical projects
for sustainability in developing countries. Many
projects are financed with government funds, but the
organization also arrange fundraisers. Today the Föreningen Sofia are
responsible for the operation of the school and
economical support for the schooling.
A group
of local teachers and parents in Sirende that make
sure that the school is successfully driven in the village.
They are responsible for the education of the students,
distributing the funds from Sweden so that it covers
salaries for the teachers, porridge for the students,
maintenance etc. and sending updates about the
school to Föreningen Sofia
ASF Sweden (also called Architects without borders),
is a non-profit organization that was established
in Sweden in 2006. They work both locally and
globally with supporting projects for a better built
environment. The organization has 150 members,
whom bring their competences together to contribute
to different projects.
An anthroposophical organization in Germany. They can be seen as
Germany’s equivalence to Föreningen Sofia in
Sweden. The difference is that the organization is
much bigger and do not only support German based
projects, but projects from all over the world.
Today Freunde der Erziehungskunst is the biggest
sponsor for the building of the new Humane School.
Today we are a group of driven individuals with different specialties who work voluntarily for the Humane School.
If you want to become a part of our organisation, feel free to send us an email.
School fees: 2000KES per term
For admission:
Juliet Mia +254 72 188 7277
P.O. Box 3893, 30200 Kitale, KENYA
Physical address: Maili Saba, Sirende
Föreningen Sofia
Contact person: Anja Varis
© 2018